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The assessment of the position of the metallurgical complex of Kazakhstan in the context of global competition


This article discusses the ranking of metallurgical complexes. The attention is paid to the study of Kazakhstan's position in the world. The analysis showed that Kazakhstan takes 34th place in the world in steel production. The leaders are Asian countries such as China, Korea, India, which account for about a third of steel production in the world. At the present stage of development, there is a tendency towards globalization of production in the field of metallurgy, associated with the influence of the world economy on many parameters of the metallurgical industry. Such trends, in turn, lead to higher prices for metal products on world markets. Another trend is the continuous modernization of the production process. The experience of developed countries in the field of metallurgy shows that a new level of quality requires the creation of innovative production capacities that are periodically modernized. The attention should also be paid to the expectations of consumers of metal products with special structural and technological properties. Innovative technologies are developing rapidly to improve the quality of finished metal products. The interest in the development of metallurgy in the world led to the development of various strategies for managing metallurgical complexes aimed at increasing the share of products with high added value, strengthening production cooperation, and the formation of transnational production chains. This experience and global trends should be taken into account when managing the metallurgical complex of Kazakhstan.

About the Authors

S. Z. Zhaleleva
University of International Business

A. A. Pasternak
University of International Business

R. Z. Zhaleleva
Institute of Economics Committee of science of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan


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For citations:

Zhaleleva S.Z., Pasternak A.A., Zhaleleva R.Z. The assessment of the position of the metallurgical complex of Kazakhstan in the context of global competition. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2020;(3):65-70. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)