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Field of the secondary raw materials applicationof animal husbandry in the economic turnover


The current level of development of the domestic meat industry of the agro-industrial complex requires a fundamentally new approach to the problem of integrated use of all types of livestock products. In this regard, the utilization of by-products obtained during the slaughter of livestock, instead of its full and deep processing - not only the loss of valuable food and feed protein, but also huge monetary losses, leading to an increase in the cost of the main product - meat. The essence of an effective approach to the processing of slaughter products is to create and implement low-and waste-free technologies that allow you to maximize and comprehensively extract all the valuable components of raw materials, turning them into useful products. The researchers concluded that the livestock sector in Kazakhstan should be considered not only as a supplier of meat and dairy products, but also as a promising sub-sector that provides secondary raw materials to such industries as light, textile, construction, engineering and others. The categories of livestock slaughter products, the structure of its average standard output, and the main functions of waste-free production are considered. The features of development of deep processing of livestock products in Kazakhstan are analyzed and the directions of development of the meat industry are developed. The authors came to the conclusion that the economic efficiency of the meat industry depends on the rational use of all resources obtained during the slaughter of livestock and the conversion of by-products into marketable products.

About the Authors

O. K. Denissova
D. Serikbaev East Kazakhstan State Technical University

M. U. Rakhimberdinova
D. Serikbaev East Kazakhstan State Technical University


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For citations:

Denissova O.K., Rakhimberdinova M.U. Field of the secondary raw materials applicationof animal husbandry in the economic turnover. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2020;(3):97-102. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)