
Bulletin of "Turan" University

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Circular economy as a tool for the development of green business in Kazakhstan


The current article substantiates the relevance of the circular economy as a tool for the implementation of the Concept of “green” economy for the Republic of Kazakhstan. The circular economy is considered as a concept, aimed at the absence of dependence of the economic growth on the volume of natural resources, and the transition from a linear economy to a circular one. This is achieved through the optimal use of available funds and assets, materials and supplies, i.e. by reducing the consumption of raw materials and reducing the amount of waste generated. The author has researched the objectives, principles and basic categories of the circular economy and revealed its advantages. As an example the Circular Economy Strategy for the city of Almaty and for the region. The strategic directions of creating a circular economy and tools for their implementation are investigated. The possibilities of “loop closure” in agriculture by using renewable materials between the food-production cluster and agricultural cluster were considered. It is considered how the principles of circular economy will be implemented in the indicated sectors of the city and of the region. It is proposed to develop the principles of passive designing and R&D-planning, combining traditional and modern architecture. The industrial sector is expected to re-use/re-cycle goods and materials. According to the author, as a result of the implementation of the circular strategy, conditions will be created for the development of innovative entrepreneurship - of the so-called “green” business.

About the Authors

D. Ye. Ausharipova
Turan University

L. B. Kulumbetova
University of International Bussines


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2. Возможности для внедрения циркулярной экономики в Алматы. Метаболический анализ с целью выработки видения ресурсоэффективного и низкоуглеродного развития города в будущем: // Circular-Economy-opportunities-in-Almaty-RUS-2019-Web-Spread-Corr-7Aug.pdf https://shiftingparadigms.n.

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4. Анализ рынка жилой недвижимости в Казахстане: (Алматы, Нур-Султан (Астана), Шымкент, Актау). 2018-2019. [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа:

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For citations:

Ausharipova D.Ye., Kulumbetova L.B. Circular economy as a tool for the development of green business in Kazakhstan. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2020;(3):190-196. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)