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Declaration system in the civil service: experience of Kazakhstan and the UK


The article examines and compares the declaration systems in the Republic of Kazakhstan and the United Kingdom, since the declaration institute is one of the most effective tools for preventing conflicts of interest. In particular, the study examines the aspects of disclosure and verification of data in the declaration system of two countries. The functioning of an effective state apparatus requires strong consistency with the principle of transparency and accountability. In this situation, public officials, disciplining their behavior, are aware of responsibility for their actions. To ensure the disclosure of reliable and complete declared information, it is necessary to use a verification system. Verification is also one of the most important components in the process of forming an effective system for declaring income and assets, liabilities and interests. It is a tool that allows to prevent and identify conflicts of interest, which often lead to the commission of the corruption violations. This article uses the method of comparative analysis, since comparative analysis allows to determine the fundamental values, and accordingly, to offer the most appropriate solutions to the problems. In the first part of the analysis, the author explores the Kazakhstani declaration system, in particular, the concept of declaration is given, the regulatory provisions on disclosure and verification of declared information are analyzed. Next, in contrast, the system of Great Britain is examined, on the same basic aspects. This approach allowed us to identify the pain points in the Kazakhstani system and made it possible to apply the positive experience of the UK. The study provides an information base for both the civil servants and the non-governmental sector and the population. As a result of the research, the author offers a number of recommendations on the VAP principle developed by the author, based on the experience of the UK, to improve the declaration system in Kazakhstan.

About the Author

M. D. Nauryzbek
Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Nur-Sultan)1


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For citations:

Nauryzbek M.D. Declaration system in the civil service: experience of Kazakhstan and the UK. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2020;(3):263-269. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)