
Bulletin of "Turan" University

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Innovative infrastructure of the university: small innovative enterprise


Currently, most Kazakhstani universities have identified a new direction of development for themselves and are being transformed into universities of an innovative and entrepreneurial type. This implies the creation of an innovative infrastructure and the formation of an innovative development strategy. The article discusses one of the elements of the innovation infrastructure of universities - a small innovative enterprise. The significant role of innovation in the modern economy is undeniable. The creation of competitive products with a high degree of science intensity is impossible without the use of innovations. This fact applies to the sphere of education as well as to any branch of the economy.The creation and development of small innovative enterprises can act as one of the tools for developing modern universities in Kazakhstan since it creates conditions for the active involvement of students in innovative activities and forms entrepreneurial potential. As a result of the creation and development of small innovative enterprises in universities, the material and technical base, educational and pedagogical elements are improved. Through the development of small innovative enterprises, universities strengthen their competitive positions and can also enter new markets. By acquiring patent rights, universities can ensure a competitive position in the creation of knowledge-intensive goods and services. To strengthen the innovative potential of the university, it is possible to manage intellectual property and develop know-how. Thus, the creation and development of small innovative enterprises in Kazakhstani universities is a mechanism for providing innovative infrastructure and realizing entrepreneurial potential.

About the Author

D. I. Zakirova
Turan University


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For citations:

Zakirova D.I. Innovative infrastructure of the university: small innovative enterprise. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2020;(3):270-275. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)