
Bulletin of "Turan" University

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Directions of development of polymer production in the Republic of Kazakhstan


The Republic of Kazakhstan, as a state with a stably developing economy, directs all the efforts to diversify the economy and establishment of processing forces on their development. The petrochemical product produced in Kazakhstan, will impact multiplier effects of industrial development of the economy as it is the base main for industries related to the economy, it is the raw material for the production of industrial and household directions, that is, for construction, wrapping, packaging materials, plastic products and tools, as well as other products. The first way to promote the market of polymer products in the competitiveness of petrochemical products of the Republic of Kazakhstan may be to develop the domestic market of the EEU member countries or increase the consumption of per capita polymer. Population growth and per capita income are increasing in developing countries, which leads to a faster growth in consumption of goods than in developed countries. The main goal of the development of the polymer products industry is the creation and expansion of the internal market, which will create conditions for a wide application of modern polymer materials. The incentive for the growth of domestic consumption is the replacement of imported polymer products, the transition from the export of polymers to finished products in order to obtain a multiplier effect in the economy.

About the Authors

A. K. Kadyrbergenova
Atyrau University of oil and gas

M. K. Baimukhasheva
Atyrau University of oil and gas

Zh. O. Imasheva
Atyrau University of oil and gas


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For citations:

Kadyrbergenova A.K., Baimukhasheva M.K., Imasheva Zh.O. Directions of development of polymer production in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2020;(1):104-112. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)