
Bulletin of "Turan" University

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The article reveals the main problems faced by the Kazakh furniture industry, reveals the features of the furniture industry functioning. The analysis of the Kazakh furniture industry allowed to identify the features of the domestic furniture market, which are as follows: saturation of furniture production and sales channels of furniture products in Almaty; price imbalance in the manufacturing regions; the decision to choose products by the client according to the «price - quality» parameters; with consumer behavior that determines the seasonality of furniture sales; lack of branding of domestic furniture products. As practice shows, despite the fact that all domestic enterprises of the furniture industry are actually in identical external conditions, among them there are those that have adapted to the external environment and are working successfully. The key to success is a change in the orientation of the production management doctrine: from production probabilities to customer satisfaction, which is one of the most modern methods of enterprise management that helps ensure the survival of the company in a competitive environment. In modern conditions, the development of the furniture industry is determined by such priority areas as increasing the output of products with high added value, increasing the export potential and using the investment and innovative opportunities of the enterprise. Implementation of these goals provides operational management of production , which allows us to solve the problem of strengthening competitive advantages by updating the technological equipment of the industry with the use of new innovative technologies.

About the Authors

A. T. Beknazarova
Turan University

K. Zh. Elshibekova
Turan University


1. Industry of Kazakhstan and its regions // Statistical collection. Nur-Sultan, 2019: http: //

2. On the Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Industry and new technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2014-2018 // Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 31, 2017. No. 1574.

3. Furniture industry digest for January-February 2019: http:// kidi. /docs/otchety/7394996.pdf.

4. Foreign trade of the Republic of Kazakhstan // Statistical collection. Nur-Sultan, 2019: http: //

5. Balance of resources and use of the most important types of raw materials, production and technical products and consumer goods in the Republic of Kazakhstan // Statistical compilation. Nur-Sultan, 2019:

6. We are working to develop the furniture industry in Kazakhstan: http: // www. news / details / kompani /.


For citations:

Beknazarova A.T., Elshibekova K.Zh. MODERN STATUS OF FURNITURE INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT IN KAZAKHSTAN. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2020;(1):118-124. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)