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Principles and methods of carrying out analysis in Kazakhstani organizations


Today, the proper organization of activities is a necessity for companies in almost every industry. This opportunity is achieved by analyzing the financial and economic activities of organizations and contributes to their rational development. Analysis is an indispensable part of the company’s work management method. The concept of analysis is considered in a scientific article, its subject and objects are highlighted. The basic principles of the analysis of financial and economic activities set out in the article and their interpretation reveal its economic essence. The authors disclosed analysis methods and presented a system of analysis methods that are acceptable for use by Kazakhstani organizations. The work reveals the types of analytical methods with their division into: qualitative and quantitative. In particular, quality techniques express the logical and professional thinking of analysts. And quantitative methods allow you to get accurate indicators that characterize the financial situation of the subjects of analysis. The features of widely used methods of financial analysis are highlighted and the directions of the activity of company analysts are proposed. In conclusion, the analysis capabilities and a set of measures recommended for holding in Kazakhstan companies are identified. In general, conducting an analysis according to the principles and methods disclosed in a scientific article can provide a sustainable organization.

About the Authors

A. Zh. Dosayeva
Университет «Туран»

A. M. Atchbarova
Алматинская академия экономики и статистики


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For citations:

Dosayeva A.Zh., Atchbarova A.M. Principles and methods of carrying out analysis in Kazakhstani organizations. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2020;(1):171-176. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)