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Problems of attracting touristst to rural tourism in the regions of Kazakhstan


In modern domestic and foreign literature there are many approaches to the concept of “tourism” and the classification of its types. Rural tourism is a unique complex of tourism that can be used as a combination of organized and unorganized recreation of tourists in rural areas, introduction of rural life, livelihood in rural areas and familiarization with local farming methods (professional and non-professional). Public interest in rural tourism was observed at the end of the twentieth century, where the European organization “Euroter” demonstrated the importance of rural tourism for the development of agrarian regions, emphasizing the preservation of cultural values and rural ecology, the restoration of local traditions and products. Thus, in European practice, rural tourism is important as a tool for the economic use of rural areas, cultural values, rural traditions and products. It meets the requirements for accommodation, food, leisure, entertainment and other services, supports local sustainable development and meets the needs of modern society through social differences between the city and the countryside. The development of alternative activities in rural areas is a key condition for economic growth in rural areas. The basis of rural development is the organization of various non-agricultural activities. This is the development of rural tourism, the development of folk crafts, the construction of agricultural processing enterprises in rural areas, the production of widely used goods and the production of environmentally friendly products, etc.

About the Authors

R. Ye. Agybetova
L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University

A. S. Omarova
L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University

Y. E. Galiakbarov
L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University

A. G. Gizzatzhanova
L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University


1. Сельский туризм: опыт и перспективы развития // Сельский туризм в России: материалы II Международного форума (2-3 августа 2013 г., Белгород). - М.: ФГБНУ «Росинформагротех», 2013. - 268 с.

2. Казьмина Е.Б. Развитие услуг сельского туризма в российских регионах: автореферат дис.. канд. экон. наук. - Москва, 2012.

3. Международной форум «Сельский туризм»: сборник материалов / под общей ред. Щетинина М.П. - Барнаул: АЗБУКА, 2013. - 346 с.

4. Мозгунов Н.А. Географические факторы развития сельского туризма в Центральной России: автореферат дис.. канд. геогр. наук. - Москва, 2010.


For citations:

Agybetova R.Ye., Omarova A.S., Galiakbarov Y.E., Gizzatzhanova A.G. Problems of attracting touristst to rural tourism in the regions of Kazakhstan. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2020;(1):201-207. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)