
Bulletin of "Turan" University

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Mountain shooters of Kazakhstan in the Great Patriotic war


The article considers previously unpublished facts of participation of Kazakh mountain shooters in the great Patriotic war. The relevance of the problem is that military experience should be used in training mountain rifle units of the modern army of Kazakhstan. All Kazakhstanis who participated in mountain battles can be divided into three groups: 1) climbers who fought in mountain units; 2) climbers who fought in regular military units; 3) Kazakhstanis who did not have mountaineering training and successfully fought in mountain units. The author collected voluminous material about the Kazakh mountain shooters of the first group. At the second stage of the study, more attention is paid to the biographies of the second and third group of shooters. Peculiar for this group is the biography of Kazakh climber Khabi Rakhimov. Not only the facts of his participation in combat actions as part of the 316th Panfilov division until December 1941, but also his service after being wounded by the chief of intelligence in the rank of major, the time of death in 1943 on the Kursk bulge were stated. Peculiar for the third group of Kazakh shooters are the biographies of sergeant N.A. Vukolov and Hero of the Soviet Union senior sergeant D. Karakulov, they both fought in the 83rd mountain rifle division of Turkestan.

About the Author

V. N. Vukolov
НИИ туризма университета «Туран»


1. Рахимов Х.Ш. Альпинисты Казахстана:

2. Наши в Иране. Мемориал Великой Отечественной войны:

3. Центральный архив Министерства обороны СССР, ф. 33, оп. 690155, ед.хр.1812:

4. Катеруша А. Штурм Кенисберга в цифрах. Победили не числом, а умением // Комсомольская правда. - 2012. - 10 мая:

5. Гречко А.А. Через Карпаты. - М.: Воениздат, 1970. - С. 432.


For citations:

Vukolov V.N. Mountain shooters of Kazakhstan in the Great Patriotic war. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2020;(1):219-223. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)