Innovative potential of small and medium-sized enterprises as a factor of increasing the competitiveness of the region
The article formulates the concept of “innovative potential”, “innovation”, “regional competitiveness” “innovative” with the rationale for its role in the economic development of the region. The importance of small and medium-sized enterprises in the innovative development of the region is determined, the relationship between innovations and entrepreneurship, which is one of the factors of economic competitiveness, is analyzed. Based on a study of the world experience of developed industrial countries, the main target parameters for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises are indicated to ensure the competitiveness of the country's economy as a whole. The author pays attention to assessing the innovative potential of the region through innovative indices taking into account the activities of small and medium enterprises. The article has conducted a general analysis of the innovative development of the East Kazakhstan region over the past three years, using the statistical data for the region. After the analysis, conclusions were given about the current level of innovative development of the region and its place in the national rating. Moreover, the article pays attention to the problems existing in the East Kazakhstan region regarding the development of the innovation sector with the differentiation of endogenous and exogenous factors with negative influence.
малое предпринимательство,
инновационные индексы,
бәсекеге қабілеттілік,
шағын кәсіпкерлік,
инновациялық индекстер,
small business,
innovation indices
About the Author
B. M. Bayadilova
Казахский гуманитарно-юридический инновационный университет
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For citations:
Bayadilova B.M.
Innovative potential of small and medium-sized enterprises as a factor of increasing the competitiveness of the region. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2020;(1):236-242.
(In Russ.)
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