
Bulletin of "Turan" University

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Development of innovative processes in the food industry of Kazakhstan


The article discusses the production processes in the food industry, which represents the innovative final result, in an improved form of a new product, production structure, in the management of personnel and the innovative method of doing business. In the food industry, product, technological, marketing, organizational innovations can be obtained. In the manufacture of food industry innovations, a novelty product obtained as a result of innovation, intended for mass consumption, for certain categories of individuals and population groups with the goal of: expanding the assortment and nomenclature, treatment and prevention, and satisfying the population’s needs for excellent food consumption from traditional. The introduction and implementation of innovations in the field of food production involves the creation of conditions and prerequisites for obtaining high-quality food products, in accordance with consumption standards, the receipt of products that are in demand for children's and dietary nutrition, of medicinal properties, taking into account traditional features in the nutrition of certain population groups. Management of technological process innovations will allow the development of production in the food industry, increase their competitiveness and expand the marketing market, and create favorable institutional conditions for the development of the industry.

About the Authors

A. R. Urkumbaeva
Алматинский технологический университет

P. D. Beisekova
Алматинский технологический университет


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For citations:

Urkumbaeva A.R., Beisekova P.D. Development of innovative processes in the food industry of Kazakhstan. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2020;(1):243-247. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)