Theoretical spects of standard-methodical instructions on poultry farming development in the Republic of Kazakhstan
The article discusses the state and development of the poultry farming, which is one of the branches of agriculture in the economy of Kazakhstan. The analysis of the main indicators of poultry production in the country over the past five years has been carried out, the trends of growth and development of the poultry industry for the next ten years have been determined. In the conditions of tough competition of the market that meets modern requirements, there are a number of problems associated with the lack of regulatory guidance that takes into account the costs of production in the poultry farming. In the article, the author reveals the need for competent regulatory and methodological guidance developed taking into account industry-specific features and biological processes, approved by order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Currently applicable International Financial Reporting Standard 2 “Inventories” and the national financial reporting standard are also insufficient (imperfect). The national financial reporting standard, which is used by small businesses in Kazakhstan since 2013, does not use a special concept to define assets in relation to biological origin, only the concept of assets that is used. At the same time, biological processes and sectoral peculiarities have been studied, whether they are in need of systematically developed standard-methodical instructions for cost accounting and costing in poultry farming. The influence of this instruction (methodical instructions) on the development of poultry farminghas been determined.
құс шаруашылығы,
ауыл шаруашылығы,
өзіндік құн,
салалық ерекшелік,
биологиялық процестер,
нормативтік актілер,
сельское хозяйство,
отраслевые особенности,
биологические процессы,
нормативные акты,
poultry farming,
cost price,
industry features,
biological processes,
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4. Казахстанская куриная индустрия обещает завалить страну яйцами, мясом и пухом:
5. В Акмолинской области открылась крупнейшая птицефабрика в Центральной Азии:
6. Официальный сайт Комитета по статистике МНЭ РК. Официальная статистика. Статистика сельского, лесного, охотничьего и рыбного хозяйства: // (дата обращения: 15.11.2019).
7. «Ұлттық қаржылық есептілік стандарты» Қазақстан Республикасы Қаржы министрінің 2013 жылғы 31 қаңтардағы № 50 бұйрығы.
8. 2-ші Халықаралық Қаржылық Есептілік Стандарты «Босалқылар»:
For citations:
Mazbayeva K.O.
Theoretical spects of standard-methodical instructions on poultry farming development in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2020;(1):257-261.
(In Russ.)
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