
Bulletin of "Turan" University

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Assessment of the enterprenurial potential of the university based on the HEInnovate tool


In the higher education system, the most important thing is the ability of universities to cope with emerging changes. This happens through the formation of an appropriate structure that can ensure a balance of relationships with the external environment, as well as the restructuring of relations within the University, leading to changes in the organizational principles of maintaining its activity. Entrepreneurial universities appeared as a response to the challenge of the external environment and the search for approaches to the implementation of tasks for the preparation of a new generation of graduates. The study of the concepts of “potential” and “entrepreneurial potential” allowed to synthesize their characteristics in relation to the concept of “entrepreneurial potential of the university”. The article describes the theoretical essence, as well as the methods and types of assessing the entrepreneurial potential of the university. The authors propose a methodology for assessing entrepreneurial potential using the online tool HEInnovate. As an example the expert self-assessment methodology, created under the auspices of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development for European countries is used. This technique is at the junction of expert and indicator assessments. The main steps to create the methodology included: a literature review, the formation of the first version of the enterpreneurial university model, discussion and adjustment of the model, testing the model and its refinement, another discussion cycle and the formation of the final version of the tool. The result of this great work was an online tool available to any registered user. The methodology of Turan university data is used.

About the Authors

A. K. Ualzhanova
Turan University

S. S. Tamenova
Turan University

Zh. Zh. Zhuzbayeva
Turan University


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For citations:

Ualzhanova A.K., Tamenova S.S., Zhuzbayeva Zh.Zh. Assessment of the enterprenurial potential of the university based on the HEInnovate tool. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2020;(1):267-273. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)