Бизнес-модельдер туралы: басқару аспектілері
Кілт сөздер
Авторлар туралы
А. К. АзимбековаҚазақстан
М. К. Кенжегаранова
Әдебиет тізімі
1. Do Some Business Models Perform Better than Others? A Study of the 1000 Largest US Firms.- Sloan School of Management Massachusetts Institute of Technology, May, 2004. - 40 р.
2. Osterwalder A. Building business models: A handbook of the strategist and innovator / trans. With the English. - Moscow: Alpina Pablisher, 2011. - 288 p.
3. Sooliatte A.Yu. Business models of companies: definition, evolution, classification: // http://www.finexpert-training.ru/index.php?ID=152&articleID=358/ (Accessed on 05.06.2014).
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5. Chesbrough H. Business Model Innovation: Opportunities and Barriers // Long Range Planning. - 2010. - № 43. - Р. 354-363.
6. Chaffey D. E-business and e-commerce management: strategy, implementation, and practice / 4th ed. - Financial Times Prentice Hall, 2009. - 798 р.
7. Andrea Ovans. What Is a Business Model? - Harvard Business Review (23 January 2015).
Дәйектеу үшін:
Азимбекова А.К., Кенжегаранова М.К. Бизнес-модельдер туралы: басқару аспектілері. «Тұран» университетінің хабаршысы. 2018;(1):15-20.
For citation:
Azimbekova A.K., Kenzhegaranova M.K. ON THE QUESTION OF THE BUSINESS MODELS: MANAGERIAL ASPECTS. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2018;(1):15-20. (In Russ.)