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The modern content of the enterprise management


This article provides an overview critical material that contains theoretical studies of basic concepts and theories of management. The purposeful organization of effective management of a firm is based on optimization of managerial approaches, detailed specification of the system management in its various organizational, economic and information-technology units. With such management of an enterprise almost all of its components are activated and allow determining the level of effectiveness of control action, especially in the development of efficient methodological instruments for its assessment. The effectiveness of any enterprise management system is determined by its contribution to achieve goals. Modern management interpretations integrate system and process approaches to management, as the most optimal, effective and holistic approach to enterprise management. At the present stage, the management of an industrial enterprise must be viewed as a system of interrelated managerial, production, supplying and other processes based on new information technologies and management methods, the improvement of which, in turn, will contribute to the effective operation of the entire system. The effectiveness of any enterprise management system is determined by its contribution to the achievement of the organization’s objectives, which involves the identification of target components that ensure high effectiveness of management influence at various stages of the enterprise’s production program implementation. The successful realization largely depends on enterprise management

About the Author

A. B. Rakhisheva
Экибастузский инженерно-технический институт им. К. Сатпаева


1. Фатхутдинов Р.А. Система менеджмента: учебно-практическое пособие. - М.: АО «Бизнес-школа «Интел-Синтез», 2010. - С. 27.

2. Питерс Т., Уотермен Р. В поисках эффективного управления. - М.: Прогресс, 1996. - С. 15-45.

3. Eyre Е.С. Mastering Basic Management. MacMillian press, UK. 1993. - С. 7.

4. McGowen K. SADT (Structure Analysis and Design Technique), USA, 1992. - С. 10.

5. Мельник М.В. Анализ и оценка систем управления на предприятиях. - М.: Экономика, 2011. - С. 104.

6. Ансофф И. Стратегическое управление. - М.: Экономика, 2009. - 284 с.

7. Глухов В.В. Управление производством. - СПб.: Прогресс, 2012. - 140 с.

8. Ещенко В.Д. Научная организация труда управления / под ред. А.Н. Щербаня. - М.: Экономика, 2011. - 165 с.


For citations:

Rakhisheva A.B. The modern content of the enterprise management. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2018;(1):21-26. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)