
Bulletin of "Turan" University

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Main instruments of competitive advantages for the development of small and medium enterprise


The article pointed out that using a value chain and applying such a management tool as key success factors, companies gain a competitive advantage if they make each type of strategic activity more effectively than their competitors. In addition, companies are part of a larger value creation system, and can improve their performance by effectively organizing work, both with suppliers and with distribution channels. The authors have disclosed the specifics of strategies to create competitive advantages for small and medium-sized businesses, defined the advantages and methods of using the Internet in small and medium businesses, which is an effective tool for finding new customers. Cooperating with search engines, SMEs can aim to advertise their products and services using electronic bulletin boards, social networking sites, distribution of videos, etc. It should be remembered that a competitive advantage is achieved by providing a value that is understandable to the buyer. If the buyer does not understand the value of the goods, then he will not be in demand. The article presents the Japanese management system «Kaizen», used by small and medium-sized businesses and the possibility of its application in Kazakhstan. The basic idea of Kaizen is that without improvement there should not be a single day. In accordance with Kaizen philosophy, small improvements are welcome that do not require significant investment and involve all the staff in the process.

About the Authors

E. E. Gridneva
Академия «Кайнар»

G. Sh. Kaliakparova
Академия «Кайнар»


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For citations:

Gridneva E.E., Kaliakparova G.Sh. Main instruments of competitive advantages for the development of small and medium enterprise. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2018;(1):32-37. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)