Perspectives of Islamic finances development in Kazakhstan practice
In last ten years modern business pays a special attention to Islamic financial instruments. The main reason for that lies in their “stress resistance” to economic crises. Each year the amount of Islamic financial institutes and instruments increases in Asian countries, as well as in economically developed countries. Among the former Soviet Union countries Kazakhstan has certain progress in implementation of Islamic financial instruments into business. Perspective directions in Islamic finances development are considered in Strategic plan of Kazakhstani development. That is why main goal of our country refers to a comprehensive development of Islamic finances and their wide use all over Kazakhstan. For example, “Fund of State support of Agriculture” JSC was established to carry out active State policy and finances agriculture parties under program “Mubaraha”. Agriculture, other business spheres and engaged entrepreneurs take important place in economic development of our country. In developed countries the share of small and middle enterprises in GDP composes around 60-70%. Kazakhstan is an emerging market with broad opportunities. That is why the Article advises to use other types of Islamic instruments such as Musharaka, Salam, Idjara, Murabaha. Each of these instrument has its own advantages. For example, Musharaka gives conditions for partnership and business strengthening. Transactions under Murabaha and Salam provide an opportunity to gain starting capital for new (seasonal) production. Idjara also gives alternative funding resources for small and middle business.
исламдық қаржыландыру,
мушарака келісім-шарттары,
салам мәмілері,
islamic finance,
musharaka contracts,
salam deals,
исламские финансы,
контракты мушарака,
сделки салам,
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For citations:
Omarova A.K.
Perspectives of Islamic finances development in Kazakhstan practice. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2018;(1):137-141.
(In Russ.)
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