
Bulletin of "Turan" University

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The practice of drawing up guides to passes of the Kazakh part of Zhetysu (Dzhungarian) Ala Tau


The campaigns carried out for the last 40 years on the Kazakh part of Dzungaria repeatedly confirmed the long term commission of pathfindings on passes of the area. Based on the results of investigations of the Moscow tourists headed by V.S. Tikhonova it has been established that in Northern Dzungaria on a joint of Aksu and Karasu spurs, there are several crossing points the passing of which can be estimated as 3A-3B. It is important that ways through these potential passes are logical for binding by short routes of the valley of the rivers B. Aydausay and Karasyryk. The researchers conducted by tourist groups led by A.M. Yermilov, I.O. Petrunin, K.A. Galchenko, M.V. Morkuntseva have shown that in the Koktalsu spur there are several calls through which it is easy to pass to the valley of the river Malyi Ussek that has category of complexity 1A. In the Dzungarian Ala Tau, only within Kazakhstan dozens of passes are still waiting for pioneers. In Northern Dzungaria, according to «The informal list…» there are 173 classified passes, the reliable information is available on 141 of them. In the Central Dzungaria there are 129 passes, information is available on 121, in the Southern Dzungaria - 185 passes and on 168 of them we have information. This fact once again emphasizes relevance of writing guides and drawing up cards on all three subdistricts of the Kazakhstan part of the Dzungarian Ala Tau, for safety of the Kazakhstan and foreign tourists.

About the Author

V. N. Vukolov
НИИ туризма университета «Туран»


1. Вуколов В.Н. Путеводитель «По Жетысускому (Джунгарскому) Алатау. Горные туристские маршруты по Северной, Центральной и Южной Джунгарии». - Алматы, 2015. - 300 с.


For citations:

Vukolov V.N. The practice of drawing up guides to passes of the Kazakh part of Zhetysu (Dzhungarian) Ala Tau. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2018;(1):196-200. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)