
Bulletin of "Turan" University

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On the dynamics and conditionsof the current audiences of Kazakh university (language as-pect)


This article considers some characteristics of the current demographic situation in Kazakhstan in order to clarify the condition of the university audience in the present time and its changes over the past ten years. To understand the situation, the article presents a number of data of the Committee on Statistics of the Ministry of Economy, as well as a number of forecasting information from the KISI, and some appropriate information from the research of the Ebert Foundation that was held in Kazakhstan. This information provides an opportunity to demonstrate the impact of demographic processes on the higher education. It becomes obvious that the current situation in universities is formed under the influence of a big number of different factors, which are reflected in the statistics and in sociological research materials in recent years. The article also discusses the problems of language aspects in the modern Kazakh universities as the demographic processes have a significant impact on the education system. This, in turn, requires the search for new solutions for problems in language education. First, it is necessary to understand the priorities of students who choose and then study languages for the implementation of their further real job. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the language situation and the bilingualism of Kazakhstan.

About the Author

Aliya. . Kuryshzhan
Hankuk University of Foreign Studies


1. КИСИ - Казахстанский институт стратегических исследований при Президенте Республики Казахстан. Аналитический обзор «10 наиболее важных событий в Центральной Азии в 2017 г.»:

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3. Данные Комитета по статистике Министерства национальной экономики РК на 1991-2017 гг. Основные социально-экономические показатели Республики Казахстан:

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5. Орта Азия жастары. Қазақстан. Социологиялық сауалнами негізінде. Фридрих Эберт атындағы қордың Қазақстандағы өкілдігі. - Алматы, 2016. - Б. 68.

6. Қазақстан Республикасының негізгі әлеуметтiк-экономикалық көрсеткiштерi: /faces/homePage/homeDinamika.pokazateli?_afrLoop=10763021004048810#%40%3F_afrLoop% 3D10763021004048810%26_adf.ctrl-state%3Db8yfp20y_4.

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9. Kuryshzhanova Aliya. Concerning Cross Lingual Communication Efficiency (About Frequency Vocabulary at Inter-Language Communication): международная конференция ESCAS - European Society of Central Asian Studies. - Astana: Nazarbaev University, 2013. - Р. 78-79.


For citations:

Kuryshzhan A. On the dynamics and conditionsof the current audiences of Kazakh university (language as-pect). Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2018;(1):272-278. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)