
Bulletin of "Turan" University

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Investment atractivness of Kazakhstan enterprises


The realization of the financial and investment strategy, the strategy of attracting, accumulating and distributing financial resources presupposes the implementation of a purposeful set of measures. It is obvious that the process of making investment decisions is aimed at achieving the goals, regarding which the efficiency of the enterprise’s activity, including investment, is assessed. Well-formulated objectives of investment opportunities must meet such requirements as the correspondence of the main goal, the orientation to the result, measurability, clarity, interconnectedness and flexibility. All these factors provide clarity of understanding, create a clear basis for operational control and subsequent evaluation of the effectiveness of management decisions. When forming investment opportunities in an enterprise, it is possible to combine different goals into groups according to the corresponding homogeneous characteristics: the requirement to increase the efficiency of financial and investment opportunities, the rate of economic growth, the regulation of production and economic potential, improvement of quality, the group «innovation activity». An integral part of investment opportunities is the strategy of formation and use of investment resources, the development of which provides financing of investment opportunities in necessary and sufficient volumes. Forecasting the need for the total amount of investment resources is to determine the necessary amount of financial resources for the implementation of investment projects. In the process of studying the possibilities for the formation of these resources, the diversity of possible sources is considered.

About the Authors

E. S. Baitilenova
Таразский государственный университет им. М.Х. Дулати

A. N. Narenova
Таразский государственный университет им. М.Х. Дулати

A. U. Amirova
Алматы Менеджмент Университет


1. Лахметкина Н.И., Седаш Т.Н., Капранова Л.Д. Инвестиционный менеджмент. - М.: Кнорус, 2015.



4. Государственная программа по форсированному индустриально-инновационному развитию Республики Казахстан на 2010-2014 годы: утв. Указом Президента Республики Казахстан № 958 19 марта 2010 г.


For citations:

Baitilenova E.S., Narenova A.N., Amirova A.U. Investment atractivness of Kazakhstan enterprises. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2018;(2):35-39. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)