Investments in the development of recreational territories in the Pavlodar region
The article considers the current investment policy for the development of the recreational sphere in the Republic of Kazakhstan using the example of specially protected natural areas of the Pavlodar region. The authors identified the problems of investing in the development of recreational areas and suggested possible ways to address them based on the correlation of interests of society, the state, investors and consumers of recreational services. According to the authors, the potential of a recreational complex is used in part and with little impact on the economy and society as a whole. The complex development of the territory should be carried out under the control and with the participation of the state, along with the attraction of extrabudgetary sources of financing. The purpose of the study is to determine ways to ensure the activation of investment in the development of recreation, with the obligatory condition of preserving the natural potential of the territory. The object of research is investment activity in the recreational sphere in the Republic of Kazakhstan on the example of specially protected natural areas of the Pavlodar region. The subject of the study is the possibility of developing recreational areas on the basis of increasing investment activity.
рекреационная территория,
рекреационная деятельность,
рекреациялық аумақ,
рекреациялық қызмет,
recreational area,
recreational activities,
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For citations:
Nurmukhanova G.Zh.,
Altaibayeva Zh.K.,
Alimkhanova R.K.
Investments in the development of recreational territories in the Pavlodar region. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2018;(2):50-55.
(In Russ.)
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