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Key Global E-Commerce Concepts in Contemporary Conditions of Sharing Economy


This paper is devoted to key concepts and features of e-commerce in contemporary conditions of sharing economy. The advancement of Internet has tremendously increased the e-commerce business in the current digital era. Today major corporations are re-strategizing their businesses in terms of E-commence and its capabilities to adapt in this changing world. E-commerce has become an imperative platform for businesses. The collective convergence of technologies today has highly affected marketing practices around the world with new trends emerging such as ‘sharing’ economy, the ‘now’ economy, Omni channel integration, content marketing, social CRM and others. This also leads to convergence between digital marketing and traditional marketing. The globalization trend is enhanced with the fast development of telecommunication and information technology what created huge opportunities in the global E-commerce platform for many companies. Nowadays, consumers are flooded with lots of information and marketing campaigns whenever they are online on laptop, tablet and mobile in their daily life and the information received will eventually effect their buying behavior. The article presents the study results of e-commerce frameworks,including basics of e-commerce, big data and consumer behavior in e-commerce. Moreover, in the paper the global B2C E-commerce analysis has been conducted for 2015-2016.

About the Authors

I. V. Onyusheva
«Turan» University

Q. Y. Ting
Stamford International University


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For citations:

Onyusheva I.V., Ting Q.Y. Key Global E-Commerce Concepts in Contemporary Conditions of Sharing Economy. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2018;(2):56-62. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)