
Bulletin of "Turan" University

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Food security of the Republic of Kazakhstan: condition, problems, solutions


The agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the largest and most complex economic formation of the national economy. AIC is a complex of industries, including production, collection, storage, transportation, processing and sale of agricultural products, food industry, related industries and services that provide modern technology, equipment, information and other resources. Its effectiveness is largely due to the development of the consumer market, the economic and social stability of society and the creation of a sovereign state as a whole. An important feature of food security is economic access to food. This indicator is viewed as a population that buys food at current prices and incomes at a fixed rate in the minimum consumer basket. Analyzing the needs of the domestic food market, an important aspect of its improvement is to ensure consumption in accordance with scientifically based standards. The analysis of consumption of basic food products in Kazakhstan concluded that the average per capita consumption of the product meets the minimum standards, but significantly differs from medical standards. Thus, consumption of the most important food products not only reached medical standards, but also approached their consumption in 1990. As a result, it turns out that for a number of key products of the population, the level of consumption is not sufficient.

About the Authors

M. Zh. Kamenova
Қазақ экономика, қаржы және халықаралық сауда университеті

M. Zh. Tursymbaeva
Қазақ экономика, қаржы және халықаралық сауда университеті

S. K. Kapysheva
Қазақ экономика, қаржы және халықаралық сауда университеті


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For citations:

Kamenova M.Zh., Tursymbaeva M.Zh., Kapysheva S.K. Food security of the Republic of Kazakhstan: condition, problems, solutions. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2018;(2):63-67. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)