
Bulletin of "Turan" University

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Logisation of cereal rural territories and infrastructure in order to realize the export potential of grain products


This article describes the current problem of untimely grain processing during the harvest season and, as a result, the loss of harvest, the problem of transportation from production sites, to storage sites, and further delivery to destinations, including export. The causes of these problems in the agro-industrial complex are determined; the weaknesses are the low level of introduction of research and development work, the underdevelopment of trade, including export, high capital intensity, a long payback period, and dependence on natural and climatic conditions, all these factors include to the production of grain products. The author of the study proposes the development of scientific and practical recommendations and the rationale for making decisions on the establishment and rational placement of grain logistics centers with the corresponding production capacities and infrastructure in the regions of the country by developing a mechanism for sustainable development of rural areas, as well as implementing the export potential of the regions of the country through the formation of rational supply chains. Realization of the proposed ideas, proposals and scientific approach will allow creating an independent organized channel for grain distribution in the export market with optimization of distribution costs in the Kazakhstan market, which will raise the interest of commodity producers in increasing grain production, improving its quality, reducing production costs and increasing competitiveness in the foreign market.

About the Author

E. E. Karsybaev
Университет «Туран»



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For citations:

Karsybaev E.E. Logisation of cereal rural territories and infrastructure in order to realize the export potential of grain products. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2018;(2):68-73. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)