Formation and development of agromarketing in Kazakhstan in the conditions of integration in EEU
The agrarian market is more complex than other markets, as it implies the creation of favorable conditions for the free promotion of not only agro-food products, but also of technologies, means of labor and etc. The ЕEU is a close form of integration, under which barriers in mutual trade will be abolished and unified. In these conditions, the most important element in the formation of a new economic mechanism of economic management and integration relations that is adequate to the requirements of the modern agrarian market is marketing, in which the consumer plays a major role in the production and marketing activities of agriсultural business enterprises regardless of the form of ownership. Practice shows that the complexity of problems of getting out of the crisis is determined not so much by the lack of experience in managing the new conditions as by the weak validity of the conceptual support for transformations in the agrarian sphere. So far, there are no well-developed approaches to the creation and development of a multilevel agromarketing system, methodological developments in rational planning of marketing activities in the agribusinesses themselves, methods for assessing the economic effectiveness of marketing strategies implemented, etc. A systemic integrated marketing approach is required to solve the problem of sustainable and efficient functioning of agricultural industrial production and development of the food market in the context of interstate integration.
agromarketing system,
agribusiness management,
economic integration,
food security,
агромаркетингтік жүйе,
агробизнесті басқару,
экономикалық интеграция,
азық-түлік қауіпсіздігі,
агромаркетинговая система,
управление агробизнесом,
экономическая интеграция,
продовольственная безопасность
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For citations:
Razakova D.I.
Formation and development of agromarketing in Kazakhstan in the conditions of integration in EEU. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2018;(2):74-79.
(In Russ.)
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