Innovative development of megapolis: problems and prospects
The purpose of the work is to assess the level of innovation development in Almaty and to develop proposals for its improvement. For achievement of this purpose in the article the concept «innovation» is specified, the analysis is given to indicators of innovative development of the city for the last 5 years, the existing problems come to light and recommendations for the solution of these problems are made. The results of the research can be applied by the akimat of Almaty city to improve the innovation policy. In the article such problems of innovative development of Almaty as unevenness of growth of volume of innovative production are revealed; passivity of the enterprises to introduction of innovations; financing of innovations primary of the state budget; the shortage of shots for work in innovative sectors of city economy, etc. At the end of the article measures were proposed to improve the innovative component of Almaty: to increase the amount of financing R&D by private enterprises by creating additional incentives; to buy patents for inventions from the city budget and transfer them on a free basis to entrepreneurs based on US experience; to introduce a targeted distribution of financial resources provided by banks and their concentration in priority sectors;to increase of the social status of the scientist and the prestige of scientific activity, etc.
инновационное развитие,
инновационная продукция,
научные исследования,
инновациялық даму,
инновациялық өнім,
ғылыми зерттеулер,
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4. Комитет по статистике РК:;jsessionid.
5. Федеральная служба государственной статистики РФ:
For citations:
Temirbekova A.B.,
Dulambayeva R.T.
Innovative development of megapolis: problems and prospects. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2018;(2):92-96.
(In Russ.)
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