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Development of the service market of the Republic of Kazakhstan and research of competitiveness of services


The services sector is becoming the most developing sector of the economy. So in developed countries, the contribution of the service sector to GDP is about 70%, in the world - about 60%. It should be noted that the structure and composition of the service sector is undergoing qualitative changes. At the same time, the transformation data depend on a number of different factors, such as: political changes, economic growth and welfare of the country, socio-demographic indicators of the country, scientific and technological progress, and others. In CIS countries, the service sector makes up the bulk of the total GDP, except in Azerbaijan, where industry accounts for a larger percentage. In Kazakhstan, the services sector accounts for more than 50%, which significantly exceeds the share of industry and agriculture in GDP. The growth of well-being and improvement of people’s lifestandard lead to selectivity with regard to consumption of services, which gives impetus to increasing the competitiveness of services. The key factors affecting the competitiveness of services are the price and quality of products. At the same time, the question of the possibility of calculating the competitiveness coefficient, which would allow to rank the services produced by different service enterprises, as well as to identify services that do not meet the expectations of customers, is topical. In this regard, the article presents the author’s formula for calculating the competitiveness of services.

About the Authors

A. U. Yeleussinova
Университет международного бизнеса

G. E. Uristemova
Университет «Туран»


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For citations:

Yeleussinova A.U., Uristemova G.E. Development of the service market of the Republic of Kazakhstan and research of competitiveness of services. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2018;(2):104-108. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)