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Economic content and functional features of the labour market


Labor market, in contrast to other types of market is characterized by a high degree of uncertainty, especially the operation, since it has to deal with a specific item. In this regard, the study of formation processes, the labor market and the development of an adequate regulatory framework is one of the priorities to be addressed in the near future for Kazakhstan. In foreign and domestic economic literature different, competing with each other, labor market theories developed. However, they have much in common, since they are based on the recognition of the leading role of market mechanisms at work. Two classes of theories can be distinguished among them: classical and radical that complement each other. For modern Kazakhstan the term «labor market» is a very complex and in many ways the new socio-economic category, with respect to which a consensus in economic theory has not been formed yet. However, according to most researchers, the labor market should be seen as a system of socio-economic and social relations between its subjects. The presence of specific goods (labor) in the labor market which has a number of characteristic properties, makes its functioning special. A variety of approaches to the identification of labor market functions are determined by role-working functions of a certain period in the development of society.

About the Authors

L. K. Mukhambetova

D. M. Turekulova

G. K. Chimgentbaeva
Таразский государственный университет им. М.Х.Дулати


1. Конкурентными преимуществами Казахстана остается эффективность рынка труда:

2. Маккреди К. «Богатство народов» Адама Смита. - Минск: Поппури, 2010. - 160 с.

3. Рацлаф А.А., Седова А.В. Теоретические подходы к исследованию рынка труда // Молодой ученый. - 2014. - № 13. - С. 164-166.

4. Мухамбетова Л.К., Каркинбаева Ш.И. Казахстанский рынок труда на современном этапе развития // Экономико-правовые аспекты сотрудничества государств - участников Таможенного союза: междунар. научно-практ. конф. - Москва, 2014.

5. Рофе А.И., Збышко Б.Г., Ишин В.В. Рынок труда, занятость населения, экономика ресурсов для труда: учеб. пособие. - М.: МИК, 1997. - 160 с.

6. Яковлева Т.Н. Анализ функций рынка труда как условие его институционального совершенствования // Вестник Уфимского государственного авиационного технического университета. - 2006. - № 4. - С. 121-125.


For citations:

Mukhambetova L.K., Turekulova D.M., Chimgentbaeva G.K. Economic content and functional features of the labour market. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2018;(2):119-125. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)