
Bulletin of "Turan" University

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Modern approaches to the assessment of borrower’s creditability


The article examines the issues of acceptability of different methods of assessing borrowers’ creditability. The study of the creditability of the customer is one of the most important methods of credit risk mitigation and the successful implementation of the credit policy because it allows to avoid taking unnecessary risks at the stage of consideration of an application for a loan. Creditability of the borrower depends on many factors, to assess and calculate each of them is not easy. A large part of the indicators of creditability analyzed in practice bases on data for the past period or any reporting date, however, all of them subject to the distorting influence of inflation. Some difficulties are caused by the identification and quantification of some factors, such as the reputation of the borrower. In addition, a variety of methods and approaches to solve this problem is used, not exclusive, but complementing each other in the complex and they make an assessment of borrower’s creditability correspond to reality. It is obvious that Russian banks need global changes in the practice of assessing the creditability of clients. In Kazakh banks this system should also be revised. At present, the most justified, in our opinion, is an integrated approach to assessing the creditability of the borrower as a whole. Therefore, the transition to a single methodology for assessing the banks creditability is very important for targeted financing of this segment both in Russian and in Kazakh banks.

About the Authors

T. V. Fursova
Московская финансовоюридическая академия; Университет «Туран»

V. D. Zabolotnikova
Университет «Туран»


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6. Экономический портал:


For citations:

Fursova T.V., Zabolotnikova V.D. Modern approaches to the assessment of borrower’s creditability. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2018;(2):189-193. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)