Factors determining the development of small and medium-sized business and their connection with the gross domestic product of the Republic of Kazakstan
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) are an important component of economics of the countries. In developed countries the SME account for the significant part of GDP. SME owners are considered as a middle class with high level of income. This results in a creation of the basis for social stability in mentioned countries. The SMEs’ growth in Kazakhstan is unsatisfactory. Although the government is taking the actions on the SME sector, their contribution to the economy is extremely small. The problem of SME in Kazakhstan is its low level of contribution to GDP and is characterized by quality achievements. SME produce only a few high technological goods and services. Therefore it is necessary to identify the causes of slow growth of SME in the country. It is necessary to identify barriers against the SME growth in Kazakhstan. For this purpose it is important to research extensively all the factors which affect the rapid and effective growth of the SME. Finding key solutions for creating an effective mechanism of the SME growth in Kazakhstan defines the scientific and practical significance of the this article. Small and medium business represents an important part of the economy, contributing to an increase in the production of gross domestic product and thereby strengthening the competitiveness of countries.
малый и средний бизнес, факторы, финансирование, конкурентоспособность, про­,
изводство, концепция, стимулирование,
small and medium-sized business,
шағын және орта бизнес, факторлар, қаржыландыру, бәсекеге қабілеттілік, өндіріс, тұжы­,
рымдама, ынталандыру
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For citations:
Tsekhovoi A.F.,
Zhaksylykova A.A.
Factors determining the development of small and medium-sized business and their connection with the gross domestic product of the Republic of Kazakstan. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2018;(2):204-209.
(In Russ.)
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