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Potentials of using remote sensing to fight desertification in Almaty region


In the article the analytical work to identify the need for remote sensing of lands that are under threat of desertification in Almaty region is made. Desertification is a land degradation and loss of valuable soil properties as a result of various factor such as climate change or human activity. Desertification is also the result of illegal logging, the uprooting of shrubs and semi-shrubs to feed livestock and to be used as fuels, forest and steppe fires, unsystematic recreation, the landfills around populated areas, contamination of soils and groundwaters with toxic substances, the impact of transportation. This paper describes possible tools for sensing land in order to combat desertification. The research target is to find out whether any threat potential of desertification has enough serious consequences to beware of desertification. The research methodology is based on principles of epistemology and deduction. The research practical significance is defining indicators that can be considered while applying remote sensing in Almaty province for fighting and preventing risk of land desertification. The research result illustrates that thanks to development of technologic infrastructure for means of remote viewing there are many instruments for remote sensing such as moderate-resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS).

About the Authors

G. K. Serikbaeva
Казахский Национальный аграрный университет

S. A. Turguldinova
Казахский Национальный аграрный университет


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For citations:

Serikbaeva G.K., Turguldinova S.A. Potentials of using remote sensing to fight desertification in Almaty region. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2018;(2):236-242. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)