Features of the university PR campaign formation in the market of higher educational services
This article discusses both the formation of the theoretical foundations of universities’ PR activities, taking into account the specifics of the market of higher educational services. In conditions of the competition between universities for the target audience, the analysis of these issues is undoubtedly urgent. PR is important to promote universities. Effective use of PR, creates a positive and attractive image of the university. The role of PR is not limited to this aspect only. PR plays a global role by creating effective communications not only with the target audience, but also with the whole environment, and thus contributing to the achievement of the university’s strategic goals. The theoretical bases of conducting PR-activity considered in the article are the basic ones for the effective work of the university in this direction. Moreover, the peculiarities of educational market affect the direction of PR activities, and the development of accents in the process of applying certain PR tools. The article shows the most distinctive features of higher educational institutions’ target audience from the author’s point of view, and the nature of their influence on the universities’ PR activity. This direction is connected with the transfer of PR activity to the Internet space and, first of all, on social networking sites, where the contemporary young generation basically draws the information it needs.
связи с общественностью,
образовательные услуги,
целевая аудитория,
инструменты PR,
қоғаммен қатынас,
білім беру қызметтері,
мақсатты аудитория,
PR құралдары,
public relations,
educational services,
high school,
target audience,
PR tools
About the Author
A. Zh. Abuova
Алматы Менеджмент Университет
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For citations:
Abuova A.Zh.
Features of the university PR campaign formation in the market of higher educational services. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2018;(2):252-257.
(In Russ.)
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