Improvement of investment mechanism of agricultural production of Kazakhstan in modern conditions
The article is devoted to the relevance, problems, theoretical and methodological approaches to the formation of measures of state support of commodity producers in the production of agricultural products. The intensification of investment activity in agro-industrial production will make it possible to modernize and technically re-equip agricultural enterprises, create the necessary conditions for the production of competitive products on the world market, integrate domestic agricultural production into the world space, and increase the level of employment of the rural population through the growth of production capacities. Overcoming the deficit of investment resources for the development of agro-industrial production of Kazakhstan requires the mobilization of all possible internal and external sources of financing. The article analyzes the state support for investing in the agrarian sector of the economy (the share of investments in total funding for 2011-2015), the forecasted volume of the need for investments in the development of agro-industrial production in Kazakhstan for 2017-2021 is presented. In the article possibilities of increase of inflow of investments into agroindustrial production by creation of conditions for self-financing of the enterprises; budgetary financing of the most important state target programs are considered; the volume of funds allocated for subsidizing investment costs was calculated through the transformation of the subsidy mechanism. Along with state investments in the agrarian sector, there is an increase in the share of the own investment funds of farms.
state support,
agro-industrial production,
investment mechanism,
государственная поддержка,
агропромышленное производство,
инвестиционный механизм,
мемлекеттік қолдау,
агроөнеркәсіптік өндіріс,
инестициялау механизмі,
несие беру,
өзін-өзі қаржыландыру,
About the Authors
A. S. Narynbayeva
Innovative University of Eurasia (Pavlodar city)
Z. K. Smagulova
Innovative University of Eurasia (Pavlodar city)
S. E. Kaidarova
Innovative University of Eurasia (Pavlodar city)
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For citations:
Narynbayeva A.S.,
Smagulova Z.K.,
Kaidarova S.E.
Improvement of investment mechanism of agricultural production of Kazakhstan in modern conditions. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2018;(3):51-58.
(In Russ.)
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