Priorities for increasing the sustainability of the irrigated agriculture
At the present stage of market relations development in the agrarian sector of the economy the adoption of flexible economic policies is important. And in the area of irrigated agriculture it is required to solve the problem of rational water and land use. In addressing these issues economic levers play an important role. A science-based solution to these problems is relevant, since the background of the current organizational, managerial and legal changes clearly maintain water and land reforms providing diversity of management forms and ownership of ametoecious objects. This, of course, affects the extent and efficiency of the use of irrigated lands and water resources. In general, the revision of the foundations of water management, and principles of water management of the country at all levels of management is required. This difficult and very important problem must be solved with the features of water production. Therefore, this article is intended the foregoing problems of agricultural producers and the study of the efficient use of natural resources in production area of irrigated agriculture. The most serious attention should be paid to the system of sustainable state support for irrigated agriculture and the implementation of socially oriented policies in rural areas.
кластерная группа,
агропромышленный комплекс,
орошаемое земледелие,
региональная специализация,
водные ресурсы,
cluster group,
agro-industrial complex,
irrigated agriculture,
natural resourse use,
regional specialization,
water resources,
кластерлік топ, агроөнеркәсіптік кешен, суармалы егіншілік аймағы, табиғатты пайда­,
лану, несие, аймақтық мамандандыру, реформа, су ресурстары
About the Author
M. K. Baimbetov
Kokshetau University named after A. Myrzakhmetov
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For citations:
Baimbetov M.K.
Priorities for increasing the sustainability of the irrigated agriculture. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2018;(3):64-68.
(In Russ.)
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