
Bulletin of "Turan" University

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Necessity of the state regulation of the stock market


The purpose of the research is to systematize the activities of all participants in the stock market, as well as the operations associated with it, produced by specialized organizations. The study identified a lack of public resources for the regulation of the securities market at the stock market level. The stock market in a modern market economy is aimed at attracting household savings and transforming into investments. Tools of the stock market with different profitability, designed for different segments of the population, expand the choice of future investors. An alternative to external borrowing is the internal borrowing of financial resources. One of the sources of domestic borrowing of financial resources is the savings of the population. In order to become a factor of economic growth, savings should be transformed into investments. The transformation of savings into investment is carried out by the instruments of the stock market. The attraction of savings to the stock market is not only investment, but also has social characteristics. Members of households, investing their savings in the instruments of the stock market, acquire a source of additional income, ownership rights (in the possession of shares), that is, the status of the owner (shareholder). Thus, from the point of view of social development, the stock market expands the social base of society, forms the middle class.

About the Authors

B. Zh. Uteev
University of International Business

B. S. Utegulova
“Turan” University


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For citations:

Uteev B.Zh., Utegulova B.S. Necessity of the state regulation of the stock market. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2018;(3):95-101. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)