
Bulletin of "Turan" University

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Strategic priorities of the tourism industry development in the conditions of mod-ernization of government management in the Republic of Kazakhstan


The article is devoted to the solution of the objectively existing contradiction between the practice of strategic planning and state regulation in the tourism industry that has developed in Kazakhstan and the transition to qualitatively new methods of managing the socioeconomic development of the republic. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the selection of new strategic priorities for the Kazakh tourism industry in the context of transition to qualitatively new methods of managing the socioeconomic development of the republic. The tourism industry for the last decade has evolved through the «trial and error» method, simultaneously with the modernization of the public administration system and the intensification of the fight against corruption crimes in the sphere of public administration. The analysis of the current state of the Kazakh tourism industry is carried out and the reasons for its unsatisfactory condition are revealed. It is shown that in order to change the current situation, a transition to new priorities in the industry development strategy is necessary; the results of the study allowed to substantiate these priorities. The author’s vision of the development prospects of this research is formulated: the study of the peculiarities of the formation in Kazakhstan of regional networks of small entrepreneurship in the value chains of medium-sized businesses in the sphere of rural tourism.

About the Author

G. A. Nametova
“Turan” University


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For citations:

Nametova G.A. Strategic priorities of the tourism industry development in the conditions of mod-ernization of government management in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2018;(3):130-135. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)