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Kazakhstan sacred geography. Myths and reality in the history of the Kazakh people


The article presents historical materials of historians, philologists, and culturologists recognized in the world scientific community, who testify that oral information is a reliable source of knowledge of the formation of modern historiography of Kazakhstan. Domestic tourism should be based on the symbolic heritage of the people. Oral folk legends can be a reliable source of information for creating an objective picture of the historical past of the Kazakh people. The history of any ethnos depicts the experience of the life of a nation, a tribe and even an individual, their values and goals, moral and ethical standards are reflected. From this point of view, the living tradition of chronicles, in particular, Kazakh oral chronicles, represent an inexhaustible treasury of ethnic history. Since the early 90's the last century in Kazakhstan there was a great public interest in the life, activity and combat feats of the Kazakh batyrs, who still remain the main heroes of historiographical myth-making. The authors have offered to restore forgotten names of the great ancestors of the Kazakh people on the basis of written and steppe verbal information, to identify sacred places on the Kazakhstan section of the Great Silk Road. All this will contribute to the re-creation of a more complete and objective picture of the historical past of the Kazakh people, the formation of a great public interest, and first of all for the younger generation, to life, activity and combat feats of Kazakh Batyrs, and the regions of Kazakhstan will become more attractive tourist places for both Kazakhstani and for foreign tourists.

About the Authors

K. K. Zakiryanov
Kazakh Academy of Sport and Tourism.

G. A. Kulakhmetova
Kazakh Academy of Sport and Tourism.

A. N. Makogonov
Kazakh Academy of Sport and Tourism.


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For citations:

Zakiryanov K.K., Kulakhmetova G.A., Makogonov A.N. Kazakhstan sacred geography. Myths and reality in the history of the Kazakh people. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2018;(3):153-158. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)