
Bulletin of "Turan" University

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Priorities of domestic education in the context of a new model of economic growth


The article discusses the priorities of domestic education in the context of the new model of economic growth. Today, the education system must transfer not only knowledge, but also the necessary skills of their application in practice, to constantly introduce modern teaching methods, to actively use information and communication technologies. Modernization of the educational system and development of a competitive market of educational services creates a number of problems related to the need to adapt to competitive conditions. An innovative approach to the preparation of new generation teaching materials, changing their functions and ways of using them in educational practice, is one of the components of the modernization of education. The authors analyzed the state of the education system both in the whole of the Republic of Kazakhstan and in Almaty, where 30% of the entire student population of the country is studying. The most important condition for improving the quality of education is the corresponding material and technical base of education organizations, their equipment with modern equipment, and the presence of new equipped rooms. Thus, the need for the sustainability of the system of higher education predisposes its constant development and adaptation to the changing conditions of the modern world. Education has now become an important, system-forming resource for social and cultural modernization of society and the most important factor in the creation of an innovation system and the development of the country's human capital.

About the Authors

A. K. Daribaeva
Kazakh University of Economics, Finance and International Trade

Sh. R. Karbetova
Caspian Public University

Z. R. Karbetova
Kazakh University of Technology and Business.


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For citations:

Daribaeva A.K., Karbetova Sh.R., Karbetova Z.R. Priorities of domestic education in the context of a new model of economic growth. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2018;(3):208-213. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)