
Bulletin of "Turan" University

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Innovative modernization of industry enterprises


The article considers the criteria for the selection of innovative strategies for modernization and development of Kazakhstan’s industry in the catching-up economy. The problem of innovative development of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the need to accelerate the pace and strengthen interconnections and coordinate innovation processes in the field of functional and applied research, the field of high technologies, the development of qualitatively new types of products, effective ways of its market implementation and after-sales service. The solution of this problem in Kazakhstan is to create and develop a national innovation system (NIS), including such components as a research environment that can cooperate with the business environment; competitive business environment, adapting new knowledge and innovations; mechanism of interaction between the research environment and entrepreneurial structures, carrying out the transfer of knowledge, their transformation into competitive technologies and orienting scientific and technical research to meet the innovative needs of production and consumption. The state designated this sphere as the most priority, allocating considerable budgetary funds for its support. The implementation of the proposed concept will allow industrial enterprises to create the necessary prerequisites for the transition from an evolutionary path of economic development within the first two strategies to a revolutionary one, which will help to increase the competitiveness of domestic producers, not only within Kazakhstan but in the whole world.

About the Author

B. S. Utegulova
Turan University


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2. Закон Республики Казахстан «О естественных монополиях и регулируемых рынках»: принят 9 июля 1998 г. № 272 (внесены изменения законами РК на 07.03.2014 г.).

3. Цветков В. Об отправной точке неоиндустриальной модернизации // Экономист. - 2010. - № 11.


For citations:

Utegulova B.S. Innovative modernization of industry enterprises. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2018;(4):32-35. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)