This article discusses the labor market of Kazakhstan over the past 10 years. The article deals with systemic problems affecting both the labor market and further economic growth. A dynamically developing labor market has been created in the country, economic activity and the level of employment are steadily increasing. The problems of the labor market, employment and unemployment are among the most important socio-economic problems of our time. The analysis of the labor market has revealed its strengths and weaknesses, as well as the need to plan certain measures to help solve the identified problems through promoting productive employment of the population by increasing the potential of labor resources and engaging citizens in entrepreneurship in accordance with the best international practices. In economic terms, this implies an increase in the probability of productive employment, an increase in labor productivity and wages, and in social terms, a decrease in unemployment, an increase in labor activity and the development of human potential. To solve problems in the labor market, active measures are needed to promote employment, which are carried out through the development of labor resources (vocational training and retraining), increasing the demand for labor (wage / employment subsidies, public works), improving labor market institutions, including information support, as well as the development of entrepreneurship.