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Perspectives of tourism development in Kazakhstan


Despite the abundance of various kinds of programs for the development of the tourism industry in recent years, it is not possible to build international tourist centers in different regions of the country. Foreign tourists still do not particularly come here, for them Kazakhstan is “terra incognito” i.e. unknown land. And if we talk about the place of Kazakhstan in the table of ranks of world tourism, then, as the results of studies of experts of the world economic forum in Davos in recent years, Kazakhstan’s tourism takes 80-90 places. And the development of various types of infrastructure is even lower. Moreover, despite the abundance of various programs to improve the tourism industry for 27 years of independence, there is still no radical improvement in this area. Their sources of financing are often stolen. The share of tourism in the country’s GDP has not been growing in recent years, but has been declining, averaging 1,2-1,3%. While in developed countries it is much more. With this ratio, it would be illegal to talk about any significant impact of tourism on the economy of Kazakhstan. Therefore, it is premature to say that Kazakhstan’s tourism is on an uptrend, in our opinion. It is no coincidence that the present article is devoted to prospects of development of tourism of Kazakhstan in the coming years on the basis of the developed project of the state program of development of domestic and inbound and tourism of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2019-2025.

About the Author

V. A. Korablev
Turan University


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2. Послание главы государства народу Казахстана от 10 января 2018 года:

3. Послание главы государства народу Казахстана от 5 октября 2018 года:

4. Проект Государственной программы развития внутреннего и въездного туризма Республики Казахстан на 2019-2025 годы:


For citations:

Korablev V.A. Perspectives of tourism development in Kazakhstan. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2018;(4):147-150. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)