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Innovation management: actual problems and solutions


In the article authors made a review of modern development trends and innovation management problems, based on case studies and experience of Kazakhstan, the Eurasian Economic Union- countries, Germany. The experience of Germany is a subject of interest for research and introduction in Kazakhstan, because Germany is one of frontier countries in innovation development and it also has close social-economic and cultural relationship with Kazakhstan. Public policy issues have special significance in a context of a new technologies capabilities in enhancing of public and corporate governance. There is an opportunity of digital technology deployment for achievement of state targets for sustainable economic growth and improvement of living standard’s quality, for provision of efficient control and transparency of public investments. An open interest is represented by examples of innovative institution’s activity, such as ACF, in creation of innovative ecosystem and introduction of technologies in different sectors of economy. The authors proposed analysis of stages of the innovation management process, allocation options for distribution of financial resources and responsibilities between participants of innovation process for provision of sustainable balance of interests. In conclusion authors suggested to consider the model of collaboration of the state and private business in innovation projects, and also proposed on the need of creation of university’s competence centers for origination of innovation projects and education of qualified specialists in the area of sustainable innovation management on interdisciplinary basis.

About the Authors

R. . Gize
Zittau-Görlitz University of Applied Sciences

M. M. Sartbaev
Turan University

A. B. Sembin
Turan University


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For citations:

Gize R., Sartbaev M.M., Sembin A.B. Innovation management: actual problems and solutions. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2018;(4):151-156. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)