
Bulletin of "Turan" University

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Competitiveness of the product - important factor of the manufacturer’s work


In the article the assessment of the competitiveness of dairy products in the context of the country’s innovative and economic development is considered on the example of the producers of the Zhambyl region. The authors of this article suggest possible alternative options for assessing the competitiveness of dairy products. The food industry of Kazakhstan is one of the strategically important industries, designed to provide sustainable supply of the population with the necessary food. Products of the Kazakhstan dairy industry, despite the overall increase in production, remain uncompetitive in comparison with many products of the Russian Federation, Belarus, Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan. Whole-milk production is considered in this article. In this regard, the competitiveness of the milk being analyzed is desirable to be measured quantitatively, which will allow obtaining more accurate data. To confirm the level of competitiveness of the commodity in question, it is necessary to analyze it with a similar product of the competitor. For a more complete analysis of the competitiveness of milk, it is necessary to take into account the level of quality, service and other components that determine competitiveness, a similar product produced by the main competitor. Saturation of the domestic market with a sufficient volume of dairy products produced in Kazakhstan can be considered as a matter of special importance without exaggeration.

About the Authors

Zh. E. Yesilbaeva
Almaty Technological University

S. A. Tleubaeva
M.Kh. Dulaty Taraz State University


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3. Данные статистики управления Жамбылской области:


For citations:

Yesilbaeva Zh.E., Tleubaeva S.A. Competitiveness of the product - important factor of the manufacturer’s work. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2018;(4):181-185. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)