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Census is the important source of information on the population of Kazakhstan


At present, Kazakhstan is preparing for the next population census. The organization and holding of a large-scale event is expensive, but, nevertheless, very valuable for the state. The population census is an important informational material. The information received during the census gives an opportunity for an in-depth study of the national characteristics of the state and is the basis for many socio-economic studies and demographic forecasting. As part of Kazakhstan’s digitalization, the Committee on Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan plans to conduct the upcoming census in a new format using modern technology via the Internet and portable computing devices (tablets), which should simplify both the census procedure and the processing of the received data. The number of questions in the questionnaire will increase to 45. The article is devoted to theoretical problems of census as one of the ways of population accounting: history, methodology, methods of conducting and generalizing the results. The procedure for carrying out population censuses in the USSR and the Republic of Kazakhstan is disclosed. As a result of the analysis of the scientific literature on the international experience of population accounting, the authors note the most modern methods of population censuses in foreign countries, consider the specifics of their preparation, conduct and summarizing.

About the Authors

D. D. Yeshpanova
University «Narxoz»

T. K. Bekzhanova
Kazakh University of Economics, Finance and International Trade


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For citations:

Yeshpanova D.D., Bekzhanova T.K. Census is the important source of information on the population of Kazakhstan. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2018;(4):230-234. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)