Theoretical aspects of management of tourism industry development
This article is devoted to the description of the theoretical foundations of tourism development management. Based on the theoretical review, the authors reveal the content of the key concepts “development”, “development management”, “tourism industry development management”. The authors try to explain the factors of the progressive direction of development, the multiple nature of the development of the industry, its dependence on the level of development of its enterprises. The article reflects various approaches of the modern management theory, emphasizes the understanding of the current definition of “sustainable development”, reveals the trinity of its tasks, assesses the possibility of application in modern conditions of Kazakhstan. The authors assess the existing opinions regarding the development of the project approach reflecting the management vision. The authors consider the actions of management that ensure the development and competitive advantages of tourism. The article presents the vision of the tourism industry development management system proposed by the authors, describes its components, the mechanism of functioning, and the sequence of actions. The authors noted the principles of managing the development of tourism in the country. The article notes the need for interaction of all parties interested in the development of the industry, and outlines the leading role of public administration. The authors proposed measures to stimulate innovative mechanisms for the development of the industry and increase the competitiveness of tourism services.
About the Authors
A. T. TleuberdinovaKazakhstan
d.e.s., professor, leading researcher
A. T. Aldabergenova
PhD student
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For citations:
Tleuberdinova A.T., Aldabergenova A.T. Theoretical aspects of management of tourism industry development. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2021;(1):128-135. (In Russ.)