The impact of modern technology on the activities of museums
The article describes the state of museums in the past, the impact of monotonous activities in the country on the number of visitors, as well as the introduction of new technologies and their impact on museums. The importance of using new technologies in the provision of their services, quickly focused on the modern period of museums that are among the top 10 world-famous museums, is emphasized. Virtual tours in 3D format of several foreign and patronymic museums and exhibitions with the use of modern technologies and augmented virtual reality indicate that the museum's attendance is increasing both online and offline. The situation in our country shows that significant work needs to be done to increase the number of visitors to museums, including the use of new technologies, good advertising, various promotions. This idea can be confirmed by the results of a survey on the use of augmented reality and virtual reality technologies in the museum in our country. The desire of a total of 179 participants to visit the museum confirms the need to develop this area. In the near future, people's visits to museums may change, their situation shows that the industry needs to be developed in the future, there is a great opportunity to deliver art to people previously unavailable, people who do not have the opportunity to travel and visit famous museums have online access to the world's best collections. Strict restrictions due to the pandemic have increased people's interest in listening to virtual tours of museums, which, among other things, is due to the fact that the museums themselves are beginning to quickly direct visitors to online tours.
About the Authors
G. I. YeshenkulovaRussian Federation
c.e.s., professor deputy
R. Ye. Agybetova
Russian Federation
PhD, associate professor
Y. E. Galiakbarov
Russian Federation
master, senior lecturer
A. G. Gizzatzhanova
Russian Federation
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For citations:
Yeshenkulova G.I., Agybetova R.Ye., Galiakbarov Y.E., Gizzatzhanova A.G. The impact of modern technology on the activities of museums. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2021;(1):145-151. (In Kazakh)