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The innovative relevance of the Kaizen method in enterprise management


The purpose of the article is to reveal the innovative relevance of the Kaizen approach to enterprise management. There are many different ways to grow a business today, and there are many different ways to access them. There are also types that cover specific situations and stages of development. The relevance of the Kaizen prevails in the search for optimal ways to develop business. In this article, the authors consider the features, methods and main directions of the philosophy of the Japanese system to prove the innovative relevance of the Kaizen approach to enterprise management. The article analyzes the experience of Kentau Transformer Plant, which in recent years has followed the control model "Kaizen". In the practice of Kentau Transformer Plant, the main goal of mastering the Kaizen method is to involve all employees in the system and make sure that they change for the better and achieve high results. The essence of the goal of revealing the innovative relevance of the Kaizen method is to consider in advance the existence of an action plan that the whole team wants to achieve in the future by working to achieve the end result and reducing resource costs.

About the Authors

Kh. G. Kozhabayev
International Kazakh-Turkish University named after K.A.Yassawi

PhD student


N. T. Batyrova
International Kazakh-Turkish University named after K.A.Yassawi

c.e.s., professor


G. R. Mombekova
International Kazakh-Turkish University named after K.A.Yassawi



S. A. Nakhipbekova
International Kazakh-Turkish University named after K.A.Yassawi




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For citations:

Kozhabayev Kh.G., Batyrova N.T., Mombekova G.R., Nakhipbekova S.A. The innovative relevance of the Kaizen method in enterprise management. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2021;(1):158-165. (In Kazakh)

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