The analysis of Kazakhstan telecommunications market and factors determining its effectiveness
In the process of digitalization, one of the main infrastructure elements of the digital economy in the implementation of the state program “Digital Kazakhstan” is telecommunications infrastructure. Therefore, the article is devoted to the study of the development of telecommunications and factors affecting their development. The article reveals the role and modern significance of telecommunications services in the economy. Examples of analyzing the growth dynamics of various segments of the telecommunications market and a number of the largest territories of Kazakhstan by region based on statistical data are given. In addition, it highlighted some shortcomings in the telecommunications market, as well as measures necessary for its further development. The article also presents performance indicators of this industry. The presented efficiency factors are based on three main categories: first, the business climate of the telecommunications sector of the economy, second, the factors underlying human capital, and third, a number of factors based on state regulation of the country's development in the field of telecommunications. Factors that determine the effectiveness of the telecommunications services market depending on various criteria are systemitized. Modern trends in the industry are identified,and a number of possible development options are formulated. The analysis of factors in the development of telecommunications services revealed the main elements that attach the greatest importance to the development and formation of telecommunications services. The topic under consideration is one of the most relevant today, especially in the context of the 2020 pandemic.
About the Authors
D. I. RazakovaKazakhstan
S. Sh. Oralova
PhD student
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For citations:
Razakova D.I., Oralova S.Sh. The analysis of Kazakhstan telecommunications market and factors determining its effectiveness. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2021;(1):166-171. (In Kazakh)