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Current state of the gas industry of the republic of kazakhstan


The Republic of Kazakhstan possesses large reserves of natural resources. Gas is one of the most demanded energy resources in the world today. Kazakhstan is one of the 30 leading countries in terms of gas reserves and production, while constantly increasing its production potential and expanding its sphere of influence in the gas field in the world. In percentage terms, Kazakhstan owns 1.7% of the world's proven natural gas reserves. This article analyzes the indicators of the country's gas industry development. There was prepared a forecast of natural gas production up to 2030, it was made using the Brown model of moving average (CC model). The analysis of indicators of gas transportation through pipelines, such as transit and export, is made. The location on the map plays an important role in the development of the gas industry in Kazakhstan, as gas pipelines connecting Europe and Asia pass through its territory. Transit gas pipelines are used both for gas supplies to the domestic market of the country and for gas exports. The total length of high, medium and low pressure gas pipelines in Kazakhstan is 28,628 km. In addition to positive indicators indicating the stable development of the industry, the factors hindering the development of the gas industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan are identified.

About the Author

Z. A. Imangozhina
JSC “Financial Academy”

master of economic sciences, PhD student



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For citations:

Imangozhina Z.A. Current state of the gas industry of the republic of kazakhstan. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2021;(1):201-208. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)